Monday, July 25, 2016
Field Guide to Jordan
Field Guide to Jordan
"Field Guide to Jordan, a comprehensive guide with beautiful photographs and concise descriptions of Jordan's diverse wonders. This compact guide is for locals and tourists alike to identify, learn about, and enjoy:
• Jordan's wildlife habitats, parks and reserves, canyons, and deserts;
• a large selection of Jordan's animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and fish;
• a large selection of Jordan's plants, including trees, flowers, and shrubs;
• Jordan's archaeological treasures and touristic sites, including Petra, Jerash, desert castles, and prehistoric sites;
• Jordan's fascinating geological history, including the Great Rift Valley, volcanos, rocks, and much more"
Monday, July 18, 2016
Online Checklist of Arabic Documents
[First posted in AWOL 23 November 2011, updated 16 July 2016]
The Checklist of Arabic Documents
The Checklist of Arabic Documents
(Last Update 30 May 2016)
by Petra M. Sijpesteijn (p.m.sijpesteijn at, John F. Oates (✝), Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony at, Eva M. Youssef-Grob (evamira.youssef at and Daniel Potthast (daniel.potthast at
We would like to thank Lesley Wilkins and Amalia Zomeño for making their bibliographies available to us to include in this checklist.
Download (version November 2011)
Download (as in BASP 42 (2005) 127-166)
The Checklist of Arabic Documents aims to facilitate and advance the use of Arabic documents. By providing this inclusive bibliography of editions of Arabic documentary texts - on papyrus, paper, parchment, leather, ostraca, wood, stone and bone - in monographs and articles, and setting out a standardized system of abbreviations for monographs of Arabic document editions, we hope it will serve to enhance the transparency of citations and improve the accessibility of editions, functioning as a useful point of reference for Arabists and non-Arabists, specialists and non-specials alike.
Click through for the full Checklist
Friday, July 15, 2016
Open Access Exhibition: Identities: Understanding Islam in Cross-Cultural Contexts
"Identities: Understanding Islam in a Cross Cultural Context is an online exhibition created by the Museum of History and Holocaust Education (MHHE) at Kennesaw State University and the Ben M'Sik Community Museum (BMCM) at Hassan II University, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Ben M'sik, Morocco, to increase knowledge about each other’s cultural traditions and promote conversations within our communities.
By exploring Moroccan and American identity through photographs, oral histories, conversation, and personal reflection, we can learn about cultural commonalities and differences in a meaningful, open way."
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Open Access Manuscript Collection: Koç University Manuscript Collection
Koç University Manuscript Collection
"The rare book preserves, organizes, and services many of the most valuable, scarce, or most important materials in the Library’s collections. Because of concentrated attention paid to collections by librarians and donors, they are able to support in-depth research, especially in the fields of Turkish History, Civilization, Religion and Literature. Collections have originally written with different languages; Ottoman Turkish, Turkish, English, French, Latin, Arabic and Persian. General subject boundaries are; 19th and 20th-century Turkish literature, old Istanbul books which were written by voyagers, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and their foreign affairs, Turkish revolution and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
A selector may choose to put a book in special collections if it meets one or more of the following criteria: Turkish books published before 1929, pamphlets and fragile books of significant value, materials containing expensive loose plates, other materials requiring non-standard storage facilities such as photographs, maps etc., books from notable or small presses, significant illustrated books, fine bindings, limited editions (250 copies or less), significant first editions, autographed copies, signed presentation copies and all manuscripts."
LexiQamus: Solving illegible words in Ottoman Turkish
[First posted in AMIR on Wednesday, July 13, 2016. ]
[Update: October 27, 2017 - This resource now requires registration and paid subscription]
I have created a website whose main purpose is to solve illegible words in Ottoman Turkish which is especially critical for those dealing with archive documents. Prof. Edhem Eldem at Bogazici University, my previous thesis supervisor during my master's in the history department, fervently encouraged me for this project.
For the time being, it explores only the words in Ottoman Turkish, but Arabic and Persian words will be included in the database soon. However, it can already find words in these language due to the huge size of the database.This is what basically it does: You fill in legible letters in the boxes and put a * for illegible ones, then it provides you with a list of possible words that match your criteria, going through a list of approximately 170 thousands words...
The words and phrases come from more than 15 prominent dictionaries. For this project only, all the entries (including phrases, not just the main entries, 150 thousands in total) of Lexicon (Ottoman Turkish to English) published by James Redhouse in 1890 were typed and added to the database.Here is the list of those dictionaries:Kamus-ı Türki - Türkçe'den Türkçe'ye Osmanlı harfleri ile sözlük
Lûgat-ı Naci - Türkçe'den Türkçe'ye Osmanlı harfleri ile sözlük
Kamus-ı Osmani - Mehmed Salahi Bey Osmanlıca sözlüğü
Lûgat-ı Remzi - Doktor Hüseyin Remzi Bey'in sözlüğü
Lehce-i Osmani - Ahmet Vefik Paşa Osmanlıca sözlüğü
Lûgat-ı Ebuzziya Tevfik
Resimli Kamus-ı Osmani - Ali Seydi
Lûgat-ı Cudi
Mükemmel Osmanlı Lûgatı - Faik Reşat & Ali Nazım
Müntab-ı Lûgat-ı Osmaniye
Yeni Türkçe Lûgat
Türkçe Kamus
Kamus-ı Fransevi
Osmanlıca - Almanca Sözlük
Hazine-i Lugat
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Onomasticon Arabicum (OA)
Onomasticon Arabicum (OA)
Onomasticon Arabicum (OA) is a long-living database project. This new online-version informs on more than 15000 scholars and celebrities from the first Muslim millenary. Its entries in Arabic are compiled from ancient biographical dictionaries, a veritable treasure of Islamic culture. Crossed search allows separate interrogation on any of the different elements of the Arabo-Muslim names, dates and places, reconstructing the identity of a person, trace ways of knowledge transmission and frame historical contexts.
يعتبر بنك الأعلام العربي (أونوماستيكون أرابكوم) مشروع قاعدة معطيات طويل المدى. فهو يعرِّف في صيغته الحالية على الانترنت بأكثر من 15000 من علماء وأعلام الألفية الأولى، استخلصت سيرهم من كتب الطبقات والتراجم التي تمثل كنزا أصيلا للثقافة الإسلامية. كما يوفر بحثا متقاطعا يتم من خلاله استجواب مختلف عناصر الاسم العربي-الإسلامي والتواريخ والأماكن استجوابا منفصلا، مما يتيح إعادة بناء هوية الشخص المنشود وتعقب طرق نقل المعرفة مع العناية بالسياقات التاريخية
Sources of the OA-online
DQ Dumyat al-qaṣr wa-ʻuṣrat ahl al-ʻaṣr FT Maʻālim al-ʻulamāʼ fī fihrist kutub al-šiʻa wa-asmāʼ al-muṣannifīn minhum qadīman wa-ḥadīthan: tatimmat Kitāb al-fihrist li-l-Shaykh Abī Ğaʿfar al-Ṭūsī HQ Ḫarīdat al-qaṣr wa-ğarīdat al-ʿaṣr (Damas) HQ Ḫarīdat al-qaṣr wa-ğarīdat al-ʿaṣr (Irak) HQ Ḫarīdat al-qaṣr wa-ğarīdat al-ʿaṣr (Maghreb) IG Ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbā’ wa-l-ḥukamā’ IU Kitāb ʿuyūn al-anbā’ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbā’ MU Kitāb Maʿālim al-‘ulamā’ RN Asmā’ al-Riğāl SD Šaḏarāt al-ḏahab fī aḫbār man ḏahab SD1 Šaḏarāt al-ḏahab fī aḫbār man ḏahab TY Kitāb tatimmat al-Yatīma (mutammim al-aqsām al-ṯāliṯa al-ūlā min al-Yatīma) UM Nakt al-himyān fī nukat al-ʿumyān UN Ṭabaqāt al-umam YT Yatīmat al-dahr fī maḥāsin ahl al-ʿaṣr (volume 4)
Monday, July 11, 2016
Open Access Journal: Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR)
Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR) is an international
peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by IAIS Malaysia in Kuala
Lumpur. It carries articles, book reviews and viewpoints on
civilisational renewal and aims to promote advanced research on the
contribution of Muslims to science and culture.
ICR takes a comprehensive approach to civilisational renewal (tajdid hadari) in an effort to respond positively to the challenges of modernity, post-modernity and globalisation. The journal seeks to advance critical research and original scholarship on theoretical, empirical, and comparative studies, with a focus on policy research. It plans to advance a refreshing discourse for beneficial change, in the true spirit of the Islamic principles of tajdid (renewal) and islah (improvement and reform) through exploring the best contributions of all school and currents of opinion.
ICR is non-political and non-sectarian, and welcomes contributions from a broad spectrum of scholars, community leaders and writers regardless of religious persuasion and creed.
Comments and suggestions as well as requests to contact one of the contributing authors can be emailed to the Managing Editor at: