...The Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World at Freie Universität Berlin (established in 2011 and exclusively funded through third-party funding) strives to contribute to a peaceful atmosphere between Muslims and non-Muslims both in the Muslim world and in the global context. Its members are committed to groundbreaking research in a variety of aspects of the Intellectual History of the Islamicate World in the medieval, pre-modern and early modern periods. The results of their efforts are communicated not only to the scholarly communities in the Muslim and the non-Muslim world but also to a wider public in East and West...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Open Access journal: Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World e-Newsletter
Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World e-Newsletter
Monday, July 30, 2012
MELA - Committee on Cataloging
MELA - Committee on Cataloging
Welcome to the web site of MELA's Committee on Cataloging (ConC). It is our mission to identify and consider cataloging issues, to make recommendations, and to cooperate with other institutions and bodies on matters related to descriptive cataloging and subject cataloging, classification, and content designation of materials from and about the Middle East.
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Middle East Water Collection
The Middle East Water Collection
The Middle East Water Collection provides access to roughly 9000 items on political, socio-economic, demographic, and legal issues of water in the Middle East. Materials include data, books, journal and newspaper articles, and documents published in the Middle East, Europe, and North America originating from a variety of publishers and national and multinational agencies and organizations.
Materials in the public domain are available in full text from this website. More materials from the original collection will be added online as copyright permissions are granted. This website may be used as a search interface for the complete collection of M|E Water materials housed on the 3rd floor of the OSU Valley Library.
Users may search or browse the collection using the menu on the left.
Middle East Water Research
We hope that students and researchers will use this online access to this collection to gain a better perspective on how water issues thread through and across many disciplines of thought - irrespective of borders or boundaries, cultures or historical differences. The collection reflects this representing the combined efforts from a mixture of professionals with extensive and varied experience in the Middle East. While founded and initiated by Dr. Naff, its use is intended to provide a greater understanding of the multi-disciplinary nature of water and its interactions with politics, development, social issues, culture and religion.
Thomas Naff is Professor Emeritus of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IES) at the University of Pennsylvania. After receiving advanced degrees at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London and at the University of California at Berkeley, Prof. Naff taught at the American University at Cairo, where he was the co-founder of the Center for Arabic Studies Abroad (CASA). He then became the Director of the Middle East Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and later founder and director of Penn's Middle East Research Institute which later became the Middle East Water Information Network and finally, the IES Water Resources Database.
In his decades at the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Naff has taught, published, and lectured on a wide range of Middle Eastern subjects, covering the period from the advent of Islam to the present day. He pioneered study of the interaction of water resources and political decision-making with his landmark book, Water in the Middle East, co-authored with Ruth Matson in 1984, in addition to dozens of other seminal articles on the topic.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Call for Papers The Middle East Studies Digital Library Landscape 2012
Call for Papers
The Middle East Studies Digital Library Landscape 2012: Opportunities, Challenges, Outlook 2012
Middle East Librarians Association (MELA) Annual Meeting, Nov. 15, 2012, Denver.
Digital information technology has been transforming, advancing, and enriching teaching and intellectual productivity in all academic disciplines. Its transformative impact has fostered accelerated developments in scholarly communication, preservation, curation, and collection development. Needless to say, the field of Middle East Studies librarianship has been affected by these developments just like all other subject disciplines and is experiencing deep and far reaching change. In this environment where tenets are fluid and goals are constantly morphing, libraries can no longer focus on accommodating patrons’ demands here and now, but need to prepare their assets, digital and physical, in such a way that they remain useful and relevant in the future and for generations to come. To confront this formidable challenge, libraries and librarians have been harnessing their capabilities of innovation, adaptation and integration to allow our collections to continue to serve as hubs in the process of knowledge creation.
MELA would like to dedicate its 2012 program event to presentations about Middle East Studies librarianship’s engagement with the opportunities, challenges, and promises in the digital arena of Middle Eastern scholarship. We are welcoming contributions which address all aspects of digital libraries and allied fields, including, but not limited to:
-new digitization projects of materials relevant to Middle East studies;
-inter-institutional collaboration on digitization projects;
-advances and developments in digital humanities projects centering on or involving Middle East studies;
-case studies of library participation in digital lab environments;
-examples of projects involving game play, virtual architecture and design, and digital storytelling intervening constructively in real world or historical situations in a Middle Eastern context;
-issues and practices for the curation of digital born Middle East specific content (aka Web archiving, including, but not limited to, twitter streams, facebook posts, blog posts, web sites.);
-intellectual property questions in the context of Middle Eastern legal systems
-report on establishment of “best practices” guidelines for digitization projects of Middle Eastern materials;
-creation and management of “digital research commons” and related specific issues in ME studies;
-geo-spatial/GIS-based research centering the Middle East;
-how readily available are e-books in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, etc.; what are the challenges libraries are facing in offering them?
-presentations addressing traditional Middle East library collections, including, but not limited to, acquisitions trips, newly constituted collections, preservation, and assessment.
We are pleased to have as this year’s keynote speaker Dr. Charles Kurzman, Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (http://kurzman.unc.edu/). Prof. Kurzman is widely known for his work on Iran, political Islam, and Islamic terrorism. Among many other book and article-length publications, he is a co-author of the 2010 National Institute of Justice report entitled “Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim Americans” and, more recently, the author of “The Missing Martyrs: Why there Are so Few Muslim Terrorists,” published in 2011 by OUP. Prof. Kurzman will present his most recent project, which “track[s] American scholarship on world regions over the past 50 years, identifying the geographic focus of more than 40 million WorldCat records […], more than 1 million dissertations that ProQuest has shared, and tens of thousands of journal article titles and abstracts [downloaded] from JSTOR's Data For Research interface.” His project provides a salient example of how digital methodologies of research, made possible thanks to the availability of large sets of electronic text and text mining tools, allow scholars to analyze enormous quantities of data and text and, in turn, to shed new light on patterns and trends in the examined field. While MELA is not in a position to pay honoraria or provide financial support for travel and lodging, we will waive program registration fees for presenters. Presenters of accepted papers will have to be MELA members in good standing for 2012. MELA’s membership fee is $30. Membership can be purchased online at http://www.mela.us/membership.html or by mailing a check to the MELA Secretary Please send your proposals to vice-president@mela.us or any MELA Officer http://www.mela.us/officers.html by August 15, 2012. Proposals should be no longer than one double-spaced typed page (250-300 words). Authors of accepted presentations will be notified by Sept. 15, 2012.
Christof Galli
Middle East/IGO Librarian
Duke University Libraries - Duke University
Box 90195
Durham, NC 27708-0195
Office: inside 227 Bostock Library
P: (919) 660-5850
Fax: (919) 668-3134
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Encyclopaedia Iranica Crowdsourcing Project
Encyclopaedia Iranica encourages participation in the recently launched crowdsourcing project to improve access to the website from Wikipedia.
If you would like to assist follow the instructions at:
- Center for Iranian Studies http://cfis.columbia.edu/
event/ )encyclopaedia-iranica-crowd sourcing-project - Facebook http://www.facebook.com/events/180907358706406/
The Encyclopaedia Iranica is an international, collaborative project, based at Columbia University. It is dedicated to the study of Iranian civilization in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online offers free access to most articles published in the multi-volume printed edition.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Open Access Journal: SOAS Literary Review
SOAS Literary Review
SOAS Literary Review is a refereed journal edited by research students of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. The journal seeks to provide an international forum for research students working on humanities topics and focusing on Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Papers on literature, art. film and media are welcome. We encourage We contributions on all aspects of postgraduate research including papers, translations, fieldwork commentaries , and book and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research students and scholars and forge links across institutions.
All articles accepted for publication are refereed by one established academic and one research student specialising in the particular field.
SOAS Literary Review AHRB Centre Special Issue (Autumn 2004)
SOAS Literary Review, 3 (2001)
SOAS Literary Review, 2 (2000)
SOAS Literary Review, 1 (1999)
Pakistan Research Repository
Pakistan Research Repository
Pakistan Research Repository is a project of the Higher Education Commission to promote the international visibility of research originating out of institutes of higher education in Pakistan. The aim of this service is to maintain a digital archive of all PhD theses produced indigenously to promote the intellectual output of Pakistani institutions. It provides a free, single-entry access point to view the manuscript of research executed, and distribute this information as widely as possible.
The repository which is currently being populated with content has already made the full-text of PhD theses available in high-quality digitized format, whilst a further theses are in process of digitization. Higher Education Commission has introduced a systematic mechanism for the collection and digitization of all the theses produced so far in Pakistan.
Please select a value to browse from the list below.
- Library of HEC Subject Areas (6485)
- Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences(a) (883)
- Agriculture(a1) (391)
- Plant culture(a1.4) (30)
- Arts & Humanities (b) (866)
- Fine Arts(b1) (4)
- Biological & Medical Sciences (c) (1342)
- Biological Sciences(c1) (893)
- Biology (c13) (66)
- Biotechnology(c1.5) (14)
- Botanical sciences(c1.4) (108)
- Microbiology(c1.8) (72)
- Paleo-botany(c1.9) (65)
- Paleo-zoology(c1.10) (77)
- Medical Sciences (c2) (139)
- Medicine(c2.1) (15)
- Pathology(c2.4) (10)
- Pharmacy(c2.5) (67)
- Engineering & Technology (e) (253)
- Engineering(e1) (150)
- Electronics(e1.17) (20)
- Physical Sciences (f) (1507)
- Chemistry(f2) (974)
- Biochemistry(f2.1) (74)
- Earth Sciences(f4) (95)
- Geology, (f4.1) (61)
- Mineralogy(f4.5) (2)
- Mathematics(f5) (167)
- Statistics(f5.2) (11)
- Social Sciences(g) (1552)
- Archeology (g3) (2)
- Criminology(g4) (1)
- Economics (g5) (110)
- Education(g6) (308)
- Geography (g7) (29)
- History(g8) (96)
- Philosophy(g14) (44)
- Psychology (g16) (112)
- Sociology (g19) (56)
- Statistics(g20) (14)
Theses and Dissertations
Monday, July 23, 2012
Open Access E-Magazine: REORIENT – Middle Eastern Arts & Culture
"REORIENT is an online magazine celebrating contemporary Middle Eastern arts & culture. As the name suggests, we’re here to provide a fresh and modern perspective on topics related to the arts & culture of the Middle East, and positively change the way people – including Middle Easterners themselves – view this vast, diverse, and culturally-rich region.
Founded in 2012 by Joobin Bekhrad, an Iranian-Canadian entrepreneur and lover of all things Middle Eastern, REORIENT is based in Toronto, Canada, and is made possible by the efforts of contributors all over the world."
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Open Access Journal: zenith BusinessReport
"zenith BusinessReport provides analysis, entrepreneurial stories, interviews, numbers and market outlooks. zenith BusinessReport reports from behind the scenes of profit promises and big deals. It has become both source and reference for investors, analysts, managers, development aid agencies, business journalists and the intelligence community. "
ISSN: 2193-0481
Frequency: bimonthly
Published in English, German and Russian for the European, Middle Eastern and Russian/Central Asian markets.

zenith BusinessReport 2/12
Title Story: The Arabs’ and peasants’ state: How Qatar plans to make the desert blossomDownload

zenith BusinessReport 1/12
Title Story: The Iraqi adventure: Between map exercise and realityDownload

zenith BusinessReport 3/11
Title Story: Returns of the Revolution: What’s the damage for the Arab Spring?Download

zenith BusinessReport 2/11
Title Story: Business goal security: Dividends of danger in the Middle EastDownload

zenith BusinessReport 2/10
Title Story: A non-invasive therapy: Germany and health care business in the Middle EastDownload
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Poster Collection at the American University of Beirut
Poster Collection at the American University of Beirut - Jafet Library
Political posters collected between the 1960s and the 1980s.
This collection covers two main topics: Palestinian Question and Lebanon and the Lebanese Civil War.
They include the following sections:
- Palestine Liberation Organization (82posters):Nos.1-81
- The Other Palestinian Organizations (63 posters):Nos. 83-145
- The Lebanese Left (75 posters):Nos. 146-220
- The Progressive Socialist Party (65 posters):Nos. 221-285
- The South and the Resistance (58 posters):Nos. 286-343
- The Lebanese Right (21 posters):Nos. 344-364,
Signs of Conflict Archive - Political Posters of Lebanon Civil War (1975-1990)
Signs of Conflict Archive - Political Posters of Lebanon Civil War (1975-1990)
"Signs of Conflict Archive is an online public resource of poster collections from the Lebanese civil war period (1975-90).
The posters have been documented from different sources: political party archives, personal collections of partisans, library collections in and outside Lebanon, and private collectors. Whenever possible, each poster in the archive is annotated with its collection source.
You can make this archive grow. If you have posters you wish to add, please CONTACT US.
Posters are free to download in low-resolution files for non-commercial use.
SoC Archive does not intermediate in questions about copyrights held by third parties. Users are responsible for conforming to all relevant statutory provisions concerning copyright.For further information read our website TERMS of USE."
Palestine Poster Project Archives
[First posted 7/18/2012 ; updated 12/13/12]
Palestine Poster Project Archives features almost 8,000
posters which are searchable according to artists’
names, iconography, date of publication, source, theme, exhibition record and
other variables. The PPPA also contains almost 3,000 Zionist/Israeli posters
dating from the turn of the 20th century up to the present.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Open Access Journal: American Association of Teachers of Arabic Newsletter
American Association of Teachers of Arabic Newsletter
American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA) aims to facilitate communication and cooperation between teachers of Arabic and to promote study, criticism, research and instruction in the field of Arabic language pedagogy, Arabic linguistics and Arabic literature. The information available here is a sampling of the materials available to AATA members.
2011 Archive
March 2011 (.pdf)
February 2011 (.pdf)
2010 Archive
February 2010 (.pdf)
2009 Archive
August 2009 (.pdf)
July 2009 (.pdf)
January 2009 (.pdf)
2008 Archive
November 2008 (.pdf)
October 2008 (.pdf)
September 2008 (.pdf)
July/August 2008 (.pdf)
June 2008 (.pdf)
April/May 2008 (.pdf)
March 2008 (.pdf)
February 2008 (.pdf)
January 2008 (.pdf)
2007 Archive
September 2007 (.pdf)
October 2007 (.pdf)
November 2007 (.pdf)
December 2007 (.pdf)
3416 Primm Ln, Birmingham, AL 35216, USA
New Open Access Journal: International Journal of Islamic Thought
International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT)
ISSN: 2232-1314
Publisher: Department of Philosophy and Theology, National University of Malaysia
In English, Arabic and Malay.
"The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT (IJIT) is an internationally refereed online journal jointly published by the International Society of Muslim Philosophers and Theologians (ISOMPT) and the Department of Theology and Philosophy, National University of Malaysia. The mission of IJIT is to encourage scholarly research in Islamic thought. The Journal provides a unique peer-reviewed forum to postgraduate students, scholars, professors, and researchers in various topics within Islamic thought. The Journal welcomes research papers as well as review articles and conference reports. IJIT will be published in June and December annually. IJIT will publish empirical and theoretical papers (e.g. a critical review of research). The Journal has an international advisory board. The international perspective is also reflected by the journal's trilingual approach: IJIT welcomes papers in English, Arabic and Malay."
See the Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies
Friday, July 13, 2012
Open Access Journal: Global Media Journal: Persian Edition
Global Media Journal: Persian Edition
ISSN- 2008-0468
Publisher: [Tehran] : University of Tehran
Language Note: In Persian; abstracts in English.
Other Titles:
Global media journal.
Majallah-i jahānī-i rasānah
Open Access Journal: Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition
Open Access Journal: Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition
ISSN: 1450-4154
"The Mediterranean Edition publishes scholarship with a focus on communication and media studies from critical and cultural perspectives, gender studies, media and peace communication, and studies in the role of communication and the media in the resolution of conflict and the promotion of peace. The journal welcomes articles from feminist theoretical perspectives, political economy of communication, communication policy and regulation, communication and peace, peace journalism, film, audience studies, media and ethnicity, and discourse. The Mediterranean Edition accepts manuscripts for consideration throughout the year and publishes in both Spring and Fall. "
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Afghanistan in 2011: A Survey of the Afghan People
Afghanistan in 2011: A Survey of the Afghan People
"Findings from The Asia Foundation's seventh survey in Afghanistan - the broadest public opinion poll in the country of 6,348 Afghan citizens across all 34 provinces."
Open Access Report: The Anatomy of Egyptian Revolution: From 25th of January to the New Constitution
The Anatomy of Egyptian Revolution: From 25th of January to the New Constitution published by SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research
"The “New Egypt” will be shaped to a great extent by a “negotiation” process between the army and the political actors in opposition.
It is likely that Egypt’s transition to democracy will be a long and difficult process."
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