Monday, August 5, 2024

New OA Journal: The Olive Tree: An international collection of art protesting the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

 The Olive Tree: An international collection of art protesting the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

"The Olive Tree

This publication is a direct response to the war in Gaza, the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign, and the illegal settlements and apartheid system that Palestinians are subject to.


We are a group of students who believe in the power of art to make a change to this suffering. Where political rhetoric has failed, where news reporting agencies have faltered in delivering truth, we believe that art has a massive potential to capture and convey the plight of the Palestinian people to those who seem otherwise unbothered. As foreign observers of this conflict, ones whose tax dollars are used to fund the bombs being dropped indiscriminately, we feel we must do something.


This publication is the result of that feeling. We aim to use the power of art to address the nuance of the situation, to build empathy for the Palestinian struggle, and to shine a light onto the situation with the hopes of bringing these emotions into the public conversation and affecting change. Most importantly, we aim to use the power of art to protest and convey the unconditional immorality of this situation. If you have strong feelings about the war in Gaza or have produced artwork that grapples with this subject, then this publication is for you. Furthermore, we want to emphasize our commitment to elevating Palestinian voices in this collection. This collection seeks to center the art and writing of Palestinian artists and bolster their voices with the art of other communities and allies who stand with them in protest."

The Olive Tree:   

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