Pakistaniaat is a refereed, multidisciplinary, and open access academic journal offering a forum for scholarly and creative engagement with various aspects of Pakistani history, culture, literature, and politics. Housed in the English Department of the University of North Texas, Pakistaniaat is a sponsored journal of the American Institute of Pakistan Studies. Available online as well as in print, Pakistaniaat publishes three issues per year. All sales of our Print Version support our online open access mission. Pakistaniaat is an approved ("Y" category) journal of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Open Access Journal: Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies
Open Access Journal: Lights: The MESSA Quarterly
Lights: The MESSA Quarterly
As a publication of the Middle East Studies Students Association at the University of Chicago, Lights aspires to provide a forum for scholarly work on the Middle East, particularly for those students pursuing a Master’s Degree at the University. We are a non-political and peer-reviewed publication, seeking to foster understanding of the region and its people and offer a space for intellectual exchange.
Lights adheres to high standards of scholarship, choosing the work that it publishes in consultation with University of Chicago faculty members. All submissions are considered anonymously and evaluated on their scholarly and stylistic merits. We select papers that explore the political, linguistic, historical, and cultural significance of the Middle East; works that transcend limitations across formal cultural and ideological boundaries, with varying aesthetic approaches.
We are proud to present this, many further editions of Lights.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Afghanistan Digital Library - UPDATE
Afghanistan Digital Library project at New York University has reached 500 items.
Background information about the project can be found at:
Among newly digitized items - published between 1898 and 1950s - there are textbooks, treaties and legislation as well as several translations.
Of particular interest are :
Map of Afghanistan issued in 1898. Also known as Proclamation of Amir Abd al-Rahman Khan. It has been digitized from a rare original copy held at Bobst Library at New York University.
Kulliyat-i Riyazi - historical study of Afghanistan and Iran during the 19th century by Muhammad Yusuf Riyazi Haravi. This book is made available in collaboration with Princeton University Library.
Other titles :
Khadamāt-i safarīyah
Khulāṣah-ʼi tārīkh-i anbiyā : juzv-i prūgrām-i ṣinf-i panjum
Tārīkh-i Islāmīyah : barā-yi ṣinf-i chaharum-i ibtidāʼī, bi-qarār-i prūgrām-i Afghānistān
Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi jazā-yi ʻumūmī
Kitābchah-i qānūn kārʹguzārī ḥukkām
Jughrāfī̄yā-yi ʻumūmī-yi ibtidāʼi barā-yi shāgirdān-i makātib-i rashdiyah-ʼi ʻaskarīya-ʼi Afghānistān
Avval kitāb-i Afghānī
Prūgrām-i taʻlīmī-i makātib-i ibtidāʼi-yi muṣavibah-ʼi Anjuman-i Maʻārif
Tamassuk al-quz̤āt al-Amānīyah
Risālah-ʼi nājiyah
Prūghrām-i Dār al-Muʻallimīn va Dār al-Muʻallimāt
Muʻāhadah-ʼi mavaddat bayn-i Ḥukūmat-i Shāhī-i Afghānistān va Ḥukūmat-i Jumhūrīyah-ʼi Lībiriah
Vaẓāʼif-i mudīrān makātib markaz va vilāyāt va muʻāwinān va māmūrān
Lāyiḥah-ʼi taraqqiyāt-i ʻamadah-ʼi chahārʹsalah-i Afghānistān
Niẓāmnāmah-ʼi maḥṣūl-i māl mawāshī
Adabīyāt : ṣinf-i sivvum-i Rushdīyah
Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Afghān
Armaghān-i Maymanah
Ṣūratgarān va khūshnivīsān-i Harāt dar ʻaṣr-i Taymūriyān
Shabkhūn-i Afghān
Akbarʹnāmah : as̲ar-i manz̤ūm-i Ḥamīd Kashmīrī
Amīr ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khān va Khaṭṭ-i Dīyūrand
Khvush āmadīd bih Kābul
Tārīkh-i Afghānistān
Navā-yi maʻārik
Pardahʹnashīnān-i sukhangūy
Lashkargāh : muṭālaʻāt-i tārīkhī, ʼadabī, hunarī, bāstānʹshināsī
20000 farsakh siyāḥat dar zīr-i baḥr
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Open Access Journal: Ишрак - Ishraq
Ишрак: Ежегодник исламской философии - Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook
World Bank - Open Knowledge Repository

World Bank - Open Knowledge Repository
"The World Bank today announced that it will implement a new Open Access policy for its research outputs and knowledge products, effective July 1, 2012. The new policy builds on recent efforts to increase access to information at the World Bank and to make its research as widely available as possible. As the first phase of this policy, the Bank launched today a new Open Knowledge Repository and adopted a set of Creative Commons copyright licenses"
More at:,,contentMDK:23164491~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html
Sample reports of interest:
MENA Development Reports
Finance and Financial Sector Development :: Islamic Finance
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Open Access Jurnal: Iura Orientalia
Iura Orientalia: Rassegna Scientifica on-line sui Diritti Orientali Antichi e Moderni
ISSN 1828-1788
ISSN 1828-1788
Iura Orientalia nasce come una emanazione scientifica della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico Orientale del Pontificio Istituto Orientale (Roma).
Iura Orientalia [= Iur.Or.] è un dunque progetto scientifico on-line il cui fine è diffondere la tematica inerente ai diritti orientali sia antichi che moderni, cercando così di investigare tutto l'Oriente, ovviamente sotto una angolazione giuridica. Iur. Or. desidera essere anche uno spazio aperto a valenti giovani studiosi (dottorandi di ricerca, ai neo-dottorandi di ricerca e giovani ricercatori).
Le aree d'interesse di Iura Orientalia
Le aree d'interesse di Iura Orientalia, sono le seguenti:
Sezione I - Diritti dell'Antico Oriente
Sezione II - Diritto Bizantino
Sezione III - Diritto Canonico Orientale
Sezione IV - Diritto Islamico e diritto dei paesi mussulmani
Sezione V - Diritti orientali moderni
Sezione VI - Recensioni
Sezione VII - Varia
All'interno di queste sezioni si potranno rintracciare le seguenti aree di ricerca: diritto mesopotamico, hittita, egiziano ed ebraico (antico e moderno); diritti attici e diritto greco; diritto greco-romano o bizantino; diritto canonico orientale; diritto islamico e dei paesi musulmani; diritto indiano (antico e moderno); diritto cinese (antico e moderno); diritto nipponico (antico e moderno); diritto Tibetano, ecc.
Iura Orientalia: una rassegna on-line
Iura Orientalia desidera avere tutte le caratteristiche di una rassegna, ma anziché essere edita su carta, sarà pubblicata inizialmente e principalmente tramite internet (non si esclude tuttavia il cartaceo, che però verrà in un secondo momento).
Iur. Or. avrà inizialmente una cadenza annuale (un volume per anno).
La consultazione della rivista, così come il "download" degli articoli, sarà completamente gratuito.
Per leggere gli articoli sarà sufficiente andare alla sezione della Rassegna.
Gli articoli saranno scaricabili mediante il formato .pdf, perciò è sufficiente avere una versione del programma Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Per presentare un articolo, sarà sufficiente attenersi alle regole metodologiche ed inviare il testo sia su file, incluse le font, che su cartaceo alla Redazione che provvederà poi a metterlo in rete con formato .pdf.
Vol. VII (2011) - SUMMARY:
Preface (Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli)
II SECTION - BYZANTINE LAW:Gli impedimenti matrimoniali: perchè si possono stabilire legalmente dei limiti alla naturale capacità per il matrimonio?
"Princeps legibus solutus" (D.1.3.31),
ovvero qualche nota in margine al Basileus ton Romaion.
Alcuni brevi cenni sulla dottrina canonistica medievale riguardo ai Musulmani.
di Guido AGOSTI
di Pablo GEFAELL
Il Difensore del Vincolo nella "Dignitas Connubii" (2005) ed il CCEO. Nuove facoltà per il Difensore del Vincolo nello svolgimento del processo di nullità matrimoniale?
di Philippe HALLEIN
Matrimonio per disparità di culto nella realtà multiculturale contemporanea. Spunti per uno studio comparativo dei sistemi matrimoniali dei diversi ordinamenti religiosi
di Janusz KOWAL, s.j.
Problematiche realtive alla competenza della Rota Romana per le cause matrimoniali provenienti dai territori patriarcali o arcivescovili maggiori.
di Georges RUYSSEN, s.j.
Visione personale del matrimonio nel CCEO: aspetti sostanziali e di diritto procedurale.
di Mons. José M. SERRANO RUIZ
La fatwa nel contesto jihadista contemporaneo: linee guida
di Leonardo SACCO
Fazhi. L'espansione della Western Legal Tradition nella Cina del Terzo Millennio.
di Giampiero DI PLINIO
Breve Cronaca della Giornata di Studio:
«Il matrimonio nel CCEO tra norme codiciali e prassi giudiziaria»,
Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma, 7 dicembre 2010.
- AA.VV., "Iustitia et Iudicium", Studi di diritto matrimoniale e processuale canonico in onore di Antoni Stankiewicz, a cura di J. Kowal sj e J. Llobell, Città del Vaticano 2010, 4 voll., pp. 2407.
Book review by G. Agosti
- D. Ceccarelli Morolli, Breve sussidio giuridico-canonico con riferimento al Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, Angelicum University Press, Roma 2011, pp. xiv + 295.
Book review by G. Agosti
- A. Sarais , Le fonti del diritto vaticano, «Quaderni di Apollinaris» 17, Lateran University Press, Città del Vaticano 2011, pp. 238.
Book review by D. Ceccarelli Morolli
2010 (vol. VI)
2009 (vol. V)
2008 (vol. IV)
2007 (vol. III)
2006 (vol. II)
2005 (vol. I)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Open Access Journal: Kurmancî
Kurmancî est le magazine linguistique publié depuis 1987 deux fois par an pour diffuser les travaux des séminaires linguistiques semestriels de l'Institut kurde sur les problèmes de terminologie et standardisation de la langue kurde. Tous les numéros de ce magazine sont accessibles sur le Site ainsi que l'index kurde-français-anglais turc des 20 premiers numéros. La collection de 20 premiers numéros avec un index anglais-kurde, français-kurde, turc-kurde et kurde-français-anglais-turc sera bientôt disponible sous forme de livre.
- N° 1 - été 1987
- N° 2 - hiver 1988
- N° 3 - été 1988
- N° 4 - hiver 1989
- N° 5 - été 1989
- N° 6 - hiver 1990
- N° 7 - été 1990
- N° 8 - hiver 1991
- N° 9 - été 1991
- N° 10 - hiver 1992
- N° 11 - été 1992
- N° 12 - hiver 1993
- N° 13 - été 1993
- N° 14 - 15 hiver - N° 15 - été 1994
- N° 16 - hiver 1995
- N° 17 - été 1995
- N° 18 - hiver 1996
- N° 19 - été 1996
- N° 20 - hiver 1997
- N° 21 - été 1997
- N° 22 - hiver 1998
- N° 23 - automne 1998
- N° 24 - automne 1998
- N° 25 - automne 1999
- N° 26 - automne 1999
- N° 27 - printemps 2000
- N° 28 - janvier 2001
- N° 29 - printemps 2001
- N° 30 - automne 2001
- N° 31 - printemps 2002
- N° 32 - automne 2002
- N° 33 - printemps 2003
- N° 34 - printemps 2004
- N° 35 - automne 2004
- N° 36 - printemps 2005
- N° 37 - automne 2005
- N° 38 - printemps 2006
- N° 39 - automne 2006
- N° 40 - printemps 2007
- N° 41 - automne 2007
- N° 42 - printemps 2008
- N° 43 - automne 2008
- N° 44 - printemps 2009
- N° 45 - automne 2009
- N° 46 - printemps 2010
- N° 47 - automne 2010
- N° 48 - printemps 2011
- N° 49 - automne 2011
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Amnesty International Report

Middle East and North Africa: Year of rebellion: The state of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
2011 was a year without precedent for the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa region. It was a year in which millions of people of all ages and backgrounds flooded on to the streets to demand change. Dubbed the “Arab Spring”, in fact the protests brought together in common cause people from many different communities. This report describes the events of this tumultuous year, one which saw much suffering and sadness but also spread hope within the region and beyond, to countries where other people face repression and everyday abuse of their human rights.
Amnesty International
Open Access Journal: Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi
Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi üç aylık aralıklarla yılda dört defa (Mart, Haziran, Eylül, Aralık) düzenli olarak yayımlanması planlanan, internet üzerinden yayın yapan, elektronik nitelikte uluslararası hakemli bilimsel bir dergidir.
Dergide Türk dili, Türk Edebiyatı, kültür ve eğitim bilimleriyle ilgili özgün, bilimsel araştırmaya dayalı makalelere; ayrıca adı geçen alanlarda yayımlanmış kitaplara ilişkin değerlendirme yazılarına / kitap tanıtımlarına yer verilecektir.
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi sosyal bilimler alanında, özellikle dil-kültür ve eğitim bilimleri alanlarında, araştırma raporlarının yayımlanabileceği bilimsel nitelikteki dergi sayısının yetersizliğinden hareketle Prof. Dr. Cengiz ALYILMAZ sahipliğinde ve editörlüğünde kurulmuştur.
Dergi, Türkiye ve farklı ülkelerdeki birçok üniversitede görevli, dil, edebiyat ve eğitim bilimleri alanlarında uzman akademisyenleri bilimsel bir platformda buluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda dergide Türkiye Türkçesinde yazılmış makalelerin yanı sıra Türkçenin farklı lehçelerinde ve yabancı dillerde (İngilizce ve Rusça) yazılmış makalelere de yer verilecektir.
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisinin ilk sayılarından itibaren ulusal ve uluslararası indekslerde taranması için gerekli çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Böylece akademisyenlerin, yayınlarını daha geniş bilimsel bir çevreyle paylaşmalarına imkân sağlanacağı düşünülmektedir.
Current Issue
Friday, April 6, 2012
Free issue of Journal of Sufi Studies
Journal of Sufi Studies a new biannual journal is published by Brill.
The full text content of the first issue is currently available for free at:
Journal of Sufi Studies
ISSN 2210-5948
E-ISSN: 2210-5956
The full text content of the first issue is currently available for free at:
Journal of Sufi Studies
ISSN 2210-5948
E-ISSN: 2210-5956
Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies
Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is an independent research institute and think tank for the study of history and social sciences, with particular emphasis on the applied social sciences.Through its academic and research activities, the Center strives: to foster communication between Arab intellectuals and specialists in the social sciences and humanities in general; to build synergies between them and their societal and national concerns; to network with Arab and international research centers and think tanks. These intellectual exchanges and interactions will be channeled through the process of research and critique, as well as the development of epistemological and conceptual tools and knowledge building mechanisms. Moreover, the Center seeks to deliberate Arab societal concerns which call for further research, and to influence the public sphere...
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies provides critical analysis for policy makers, academics, government officials and the public through its series of publications - Research Papers, Policy Analysis, Case Analysis, the Doha Report, Dossiers, and Book Reviews. The Center publishes in both Arabic and English in order to make its work accessible to both Arab and non-Arab researchers.
The Alevi Issue in Turkey
April 04, 2012 ![]()
Rostm Mahmod Critical Discussion of Study
March 18, 2012 ![]()
Housamedden Darwish
A Reading of the Social Situation ...
February 27, 2012 ![]()
Husam Grais The Miracle of Gathering the Diaspora
February 27, 2012 ![]()
Mohannad Mostafa
The positions of the Syrian opposi...
February 16, 2012 Effects of sanctions on Syria’s ma...
January 22, 2012 ![]()
Policy Analysis Unit- ACRPS
The Impasse of Political Transitio...
April 02, 2012 ![]()
Abdel Nasser Jaby The price tag organization and the...
March 08, 2012 ![]()
Mahmoud Muhareb
The Yemeni Revolution: Background,...
February 26, 2012 The Arab Revolution and Democracy:...
February 07, 2012
Dossiers: Palestine-September 2011
September 29, 2011 “Syria between Choices and the Pos...
August 08, 2011
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