Manuscripta orientalia : international journal for Oriental manuscript research
Published by: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg Branch. Institut vostokovedeniia (Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk). Sankt-Peterburgskii filial.; Russkoe aziatskoe obshchestvo.
Started in: 1995-
ISSN: 1238-5018
Frequency: Quarterly
Language Note: In English.
“Manuscripta orientalia: international journal for Oriental manuscript research [...] began in 1995 by "Thesa Publishers" (Saint-Petersburg) on initiative of a group of Petersburg orientalists as undependant scientific publication, operating on basis of self-finance and is an English-language quarterly containing 72 pages. Now it is published in cooperation with Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Hermitage Museum. It is the first and only international journal entirely dedicated to issues of Oriental textology, comparative codicology, and palaeography. It regularly features articles by scholars who work with sources in Oriental languages and manuscripts preserved in the rich collections of the famous St. Petersburg museums, libraries and archives. The journal also acquaints its readers with materials on little-known collections of Oriental manuscripts from various museums and academic centers in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. It serves as a forum for the research of colleagues in the United States, Germany, Norway, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Iran, Great Britain, Japan and many other countries. Publications in the journal are subjected to a stringent selection process to ensure that it meets the demands of an international community of specialists. Our subscribers include leading centers in the humanities and libraries in nearly 30 countries. “
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